Interacting with ElasticSearch using Hubot

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At OpenTable, we use a few ElasticSearch clusters. Our aim was to be able to interact with our ElasticSearch clusters via HipChat so that we could troubleshoot easily and without having to log into our VPN. We already use Hubot as part of our systems workflow, so it made sense to be able to interact with ElasticSearch with it.

Setting a cluster alias

When a pager wakes me at 3am, I really do not want to have to try and type the cluster URL into my mobile hipchat client. So the first thing that was added to the script was the ability to give a cluster an alias.

elasticsearch add alias my-test-alias


This allows us to use that alias for all commands going forward. Please note that you can remove and query aliases as well:

elasticsearch show aliases


elasticsearch clear alias my-test-alias


Using the ElasticSearch Cat API

A lot of what we do with ElasticSearch can be done via the cat API. This has proved extremely useful to get node status, cluster health and index status.

Cat Health

As documented here

elasticsearch cluster health my-test-alias

Cat Nodes

As documented here

elasticsearch cat nodes my-test-alias

Cat Indices

As documented here

elasticsearch cat indexes my-test-alias

Cat Allocation

As documented here

elasticsearch cat allocation my-test-alias

Getting the Cluster Settings

Sometimes when we are rebalancing shards or recycling nodes, we want to be able to control the cluster settings. By using the cluster settings API, can have some insight into the settings currently set on the cluster:

elasticsearch cluster settings my-test-alias

More information about the cluster settings API can be found here

Getting the Settings for an Index

Should we want to start to understand the actual settings that are attributed to an index, we can use the Cat Indices settings API. More information can be found here

elasticsearch index settings my-test-alias my-index-name-2014-11-07

Clearing the cluster Cache

The last piece of the puzzle we are able to do, is to clear the cache of the ElasticSearch cluster. This can be done as follows:

hubot elasticsearch clear cache my-test-alias

Where can I find the code?

The code is available on github or also as an NPM package. Please feel free to send PRs or create issues on our repository. All feedback is useful.