Posts by Ryan Tomlinson

4 posts in total

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Explaining Flux architecture with macgyver.js

Flux is an application architectural pattern developed by Facebook. It was developed to solve some of the complexities of the MVC pattern when used at scale by favouring a uni-directional approach. It is a pattern and not a technology or framework.

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Introducing Hobknob: Feature toggling with etcd

The ability to dynamically turn features on/off in software without the need to redeploy code is extremely beneficial. Whether you are trialing a new feature or using branch by abstraction to avoid creating feature branches, the use of feature toggles can aid continuous delivery and provide a mechanism to reduce mean time to resolution when an issue occurs.

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Continuous Delivery: Automating Deployment Visibility

In our continued effort to drive towards a service oriented architecture each of our teams are continuously improving their deployment processes. Recently our team has focussed on automating as much as possible, putting as much into chat as we can and improving our logging/metrics.

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Beginning a journey to chatops with Hubot

As a part of our 30% time a few of our team, @ajroyle, @stack72 and I (@ryantomlinson) decided to get together and look at Hubot with Hipchat integration. There are several weird and wonderful scripts that ship with Hubot (see above) but the core concept of driving tooling via chat is one that we see value in.